FreePBX is the world’s most trusted open source platform for building the PBX of your dreams. At its core, it is an open source web-based graphical user and configuration file writer that empowers companies that use Asterisk® PBX software to save time—making writing your own dial plans and configuration files much easier and letting you focus on other aspects of setup of your VoIP communications system.
From its initial introduction in 2004, when it contained only four database tables of configuration files for Asterisk, FreePBX has grown to encompass more than 219,000 lines of code and hundreds of tables. The FreePBX project now provides an entire open source platform and communications ecosystem that can not only ease installation by providing configuration files for Asterisk, but also provide support and ongoing updates to the entire system. Its ability to work in the cloud or on site lets you maximize flexibility while providing you the ideal PBX solution.